Spring is here and Tarpon Season is just around the corner!!!

I am ready to pack my bags and head to the Keys again to fish the Everglades.  The Hewes is ready to go.  I will be down there for the next couple months chasing these fish all over the backcountry.  It is absolutely my favorite time of year.  Lots of tarpon and almost zero fishing pressure.

This off season has been busier than most.  From hunting in Texas to bass fishing all over central Florida.  Jenni and I have had a ton of fun.

Although May and June are booked solid I still have openings in September and the first week of October to chase tarpon in the backcountry of the Everglades National Park.  Whether you fish fly or spin it is an unforgettable experience.

Till next time,

Captain Mark Bennett

 Check out our Social Media for faster updates on the fishing and LOTS of photos!!!


Everglades tarpon fishing
Everglades tarpon fishing