September is almost here.

My bags are packed and the Hewes is ready to go.  It is finally time for my annual migration to the Upper Keys to fish for tarpon in the Florida Everglades.  I will be down there for the next couple months chasing these fish all over the backcountry.  It is absolutely my favorite time of year.  Lots of tarpon and almost zero fishing pressure.

This year I am extra excited because I have a couple days set aside to stand on the pointy end for a change.  Keep an eye on my social media for more frequent updates.

I have a couple openings this fall season.  September 20th, 21st, 28th, 29th and 30th.  I also have openings the first two weeks of October.

If you haven’t seen our video collaboration with Humminbird/Minn Kota watch it here!!!

Till next time,

Captain Mark Bennett


Check out our Social Media for faster updates on the fishing and LOTS of photos!!!


Everglades tarpon fishing
Everglades tarpon fishing